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      Original MARS Coat King

      This metal comb is made of a precious wood handle ( thermo beech)

      and stainless hardened steel blades. (Blade distance 5 mm, coarse)

      In this version the blades are completely changeable as head !

      The special geometry of the blades guarantees with proper use a good penetration into the coat.

      You are able to remove effectively and gently about 90% of the loose dead hair.

      Easy to use: with light pressure on the coat, with the other hand possibly hold against and comb out in the direction of growth (in long moves) then remove hair from the blades by hand.

      The best way to do this is please watch our video.

      Suitable for rough-haired breeds (e.g. Schnauzer) for preliminary work.

      Please search your dog in our breed list, so that you can choose from our diverse assortment the right metal comb for your animal.


      Akzeptanz des Hundes prüfen. Möglichst das Tier fixieren. Kann bei unsachgemäßer Verwendung zu Verletzungen der Haut führen, bei exzessiver Nutzung auf einer Stelle Löcher im Fell möglich. Bei entfernen der Haare aus dem Striegel nicht in die Klingen greifen.

      Check the dog's acceptance. Fix the dog if possible. Can cause skin injuries if used improperly. With excessive use, holes in the fur may appear in one spot. When removing hair from the curry comb, do not reach into the blades.

      Watch our video »

      Full product description (PDF) »

      Manufacturers: Alcoso Mars (siehe Impressum)

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