This claw pliers is made of forged stainless steel.
Due to the straight cutting edge, it is only suitable for small and thin claws, where breaking out is unproblematic.
The length of this claw nipper is 14cm.
If you should be uncertain leave the claw cutting to your veterinarian,
This applies especially to dark claws where the inner blood vessel is not visible.
If you still want to do this work yourself, please feel your way slowly and always cut only a small piece of the tip.
Akzeptanz des Hundes prüfen. Möglichst Hund fixieren. Kann bei unsachgemäßer Verwendung zu Quetschungen führen. Kann zu Blutungen beim Hund führen, wenn zu viel gekürzt wird.
Check the dog's acceptance. Fix the dog if possible. Can cause bruises if used improperly. Can cause bleeding in the dog if too much is cutted.